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Truck Cancer

Another drug, another scan, another progression. This is not the post I wanted to write or be living with (ha). The good news is I don't feel too bad, and for that I am grateful. It's still a bit early on in the process of scans --> radiology report --> doc consults --> biopsy (?) --> decisions --> treatment. Also, looking at that I'm trying to run some more of this parallel to speed up the process, but more on that in a bit. Right now I'm in the doc consults phase. I've met with Dr. Stover at OSU and am meeting with Dr. Chung at Christ tomorrow. I'm hoping to have a meeting with an oncologist at UC next week and Dr. Stover is consulting with my former oncologist Dr. Heather Parsons at Dana Farber. I was going to go out, but I think this will be sufficient (still have that option though). So scans. I've not felt worse in the lung department and scans bore that out according to my favorite pulmonologist (Dr. Christopher Schmitt at Christ if you...

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