Why I am beginning to blog & some bio links

I never thought of doing a blog until I was listening to my favorite podcast on the way home to Cincinnati from my other home, southern Virginia. Not so incidentally, my favorite podcast is "This Week in Microbiology" (TWiM) and the guest was Dr. Rosie Redfield, a scientist who blogs about her research. Her reasons for blogging were that (1) it helped her think more clearly about her experimental design (and occasionally receive feedback from readers) and (2) it was a way to communicate the process of science to nonscientists. What a great idea! Writing helps me think too; it helps put thoughts in a more logical order, and blogging would be an interesting experiment to see if anyone was interested in the day to day ups, down and in betweens of an assistant professor at a small 2-year college. There are so many challenges and opportunities it can be somewhat overwhelming. I hope this blog can help me sort through priorities in a logical and meaningful way.
TWiM This Week in Microbiology. If you like microbiology, biology or just want to learn more about the most numerous organisms on earth and how they affect you, check this podcast out.

Blue Whales Threatened by Whale Watchers and Shipping  An example into how our love of nature and the wild sometimes needs to be curtailed to protect that very thing.
Dr. Redfield's Blog


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