I feel human & notes to self

As of Wednesday around noon, and an intake of caffeine I feel good. Held office hours, taught two classes, drove home, took the dog for a walk, picked up sticks, and then chilled. That is the most productive and best I've felt since chemo. Today was equally as productive with a bit of yoga thrown in. So, it took about a week.

Notes to self for the next round:
1) Although coffee tastes bad now, it was a constant source of caffeine for almost 20 years. Find a replacement. I don't think I want to pick up a coke habit (although, yumm) so I'm going to diversify into black teas, maybe chai?
2) Hydration means more than water and tea. Cut some water half and half with Gatorade or the like. Yes, I should know this from fencing days, but I wasn't equating chemo with that kind of bodily stress. Right, I was wrong :-)
3) Take the Claritin at least 24 hours before the Neulasta shot and
4) Make sure the Zofran isn't contributing to headaches (that might be harder to work out and the anti-nausea effects are perfect the first few days).


Suzanna Woeste said…
Ok, so, you may be aware of this, but I'm kind of a tea fanatic. I have about 100 different teas in my "house". So if you wanted to just try a ton, I could give you one of a bunch of different flavors to try. Usually black teas have the highest caffeine, and some even have extra caffeine added to them. Rooibus is an herb from Africa and has no caffeine unless added afterwards. But it's super smooth. I like red rooibus better than green because it's been roasted. Yerba Matte is from South America, I believe, and has a high caffeine content. Green matcha 🍵 is really good for immunity. It's a traditional Chinese medicinal tea.
Unknown said…
Have you looked into Drip Drop for hydration?
Amy said…
@Suzanna, I don't think I knew that. That's a lot! I think I have about 10 right now. Rooibos is wonderful and smooth; I didn't know it came in anything but red lol. I have black teas for the caffeine, a mint mix and a ginger mix too on the herbal side. I also just picked up some chai because I love it. I'll look into the green matcha and getting a bunch of vitamin C. Maybe more OJ :-)
@Michelle, I've looked into the powder mixes, but not the liquid DripDrop-I will though, thanks!

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